# Laboratório 2
# Exercicio de casa
# by RodsCoimbra
a: .word 0
b: .word 0
c: .word 0
d: .word 0
y: .word 0
la a1, c
la a2, d
la a3, y
lw s0, a
lw s1, b
li s2, 2
li s3, -2
jal x1, neuronio
sw x10, 0(a1)
li s2, -2
li s3, 2
jal x1, neuronio
sw x10, 0(a2)
lw s0, 0(a1)
lw s1, 0(a2)
li s2, 2
li s3, 2
jal x1, neuronio
sw x10, 0(a3)
li x17, 1
li x17, 10
addi x2, x2, -12
sw x1, 8(x2)
sw s2, 4(x2)
sw s0, 0(x2)
jal x1, multiplica
lw s5, 0(x2)
addi x2,x2, 4
sw s3, 4(x2)
sw s1, 0(x2)
jal x1, multiplica
lw s6, 0(x2)
addi x2, x2, 4
add s6, s6, s5
addi s6, s6, -1
lw x1, 8(x2)
addi x2, x2, 12
bge s6, x0, retorno
li x10, 0
jalr x0, x1, 0
li x10, 1
jalr x0, x1, 0
lw t0, 0(x2)
lw t1, 4(x2)
li t2, 0
bgtz t1, for
neg t1,t1
neg t0, t0
add t2, t0, t2
addi t1, t1, -1
bgtz t1, for
addi x2, x2, -4
sw t2, 0(x2)
jalr x0, x1, 0
# by Tomás Martins
a: .word 0
b: .word 0
lw a1,a
lw a2,b
li a3,-2
li a4,2
jal x3,neuronio
mv s1,a0
li a3,2
li a4,-2
jal x3,neuronio
mv s2,a0
mv a1,s1
mv a2,s2
li a3,2
jal x3,neuronio
li x17,1
li x17,10
mv a5,a1
mv a6,a4
jal x1,multiplica
lw s3,0(sp)
addi sp,sp,4
mv a5,a2
mv a6,a3
jal x1,multiplica
lw s4,0(sp)
addi sp,sp,4
li a5,-1
add s3,s3,s4
add s3,s3,a5
bgez s3,if1
li a0,0
jalr x0,x3,0
li a0,1
jalr x0,x3,0
addi sp,sp,-12
mv t1,a5
sw t1,4(sp)
mv t2,a6
sw t2,0(sp)
li t3,0
bgez t2,loop
neg t2,t2
add t3,t3,t1
addi t2,t2,-1
bgtz t2,loop1
neg t3,t3
sw t3,8(sp)
addi sp,sp,8
add t3,t3,t1
addi t2,t2,-1
bgtz t2,loop
sw t3,8(sp)
addi sp,sp,8
# Exercicio 2º Segunda-feira
# by Martim Bento and João Rodrigues
Modifique o código de forma a implementar a função: . A função y deve receber os 3 parametros pela pilha. As funções OR e A podem ser implementados por neurónios com os seguintes pesos:
- OR: w1 = 2, w2 = 2, b= -1
- A : w1 = 2, w2 = -2, b= -1
Teste a função utilizando código que a chama 8 vezes com os valores da tabela de verdade (não é necessário um loop) e apresente os resultados na consola.
a: .word 0
b: .word 0
c: .word 1
#x14 = w1; x15 = w2; x16 = b; x3 =
lw x3, a
lw x4, b
li x14, 2
li x15, -2
li x16, -1
jal neuronio
mv x20, x19
li x14, -2
li x15, 2
li x16, -1
jal neuronio
li x14, 2
li x15, 2
li x16, -1
mv x3, x20
mv x4, x19
jal neuronio #daqui sai A xor B no x19
mv x20, x19 #gravar A xor B no x20
li x14, 3
li x15, -2
li x16, -2
lw x3, c
lw x4, a
jal neuronio #daqui sai C and (Not A)
mv x21, x19 #gravar C and (Not A) no x21
li x14, 2
li x15, 2
li x16, -1
mv x3, x20
mv x4, x21
jal neuronio #daqui deve sair (A xor B) or (C and (Not A))
jal x0, end
addi sp, sp, -4
sw x1, 0(sp)
mv x10, x3
mv x11, x14
jal multiplica
lw x18, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, 4
mv x10, x4
mv x11, x15
jal multiplica
lw x19, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, 4
add x19, x19, x18
add x19, x19, x16
lw x1, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, 4
blt x19, zero, null
li x19, 1
jalr x0, x1, 0
li x19, 0
jalr x0, x1, 0
li x12, 0
li x13, 0
blt x11, zero, negative
add x13, x13, x10
addi x12, x12, 1
blt x12, x11, while
addi sp, sp, -4
sw x13, 0(sp)
jalr x0, x1, 0
sub x13, x13, x10
addi x12, x12, -1
bge x12, x11, negative
addi sp, sp, -4
sw x13, 0(sp)
jalr x0, x1, 0
mv x10, x19
li x17, 1
li x17, 10
# by Martim Bento and João Rodrigues - V2
# Laboratory 2|Calculate the truth table of the expression (a XOR b) and (a or c). |
# | |
# Author: Joao Barreiros C. Rodrigues (Joao-Ex-Machina), Martim Rendeiro Bento (G05B3) |
# Date: 14 April 2021 |
a: .word 0 #LSB
b: .word 0
c: .word 0 #MSB
li x24, 1 #initialize counter register
li x25, 9
la x26, a #initialize variable pointer registers
la x27, b
la, x5, c
li x28, 0
addi x28, x24, -5
blt x28, zero, czero #for the first four numbers MSB=0
li x28, 1
sw x28, 0(x5)
li x28, 2
rem x28, x24, x28 #for all even numbers the LSB = 0
xori x28, x28, 1 #adjust a since 000 is taken as the the first cicle and not cicle zero
sw x28, 0(x26)
#B=1 from 010 (3rd cicle) until it 100 (5th cicle).
li x28, 3
bne x28, x24, not3
li x28, 1
sw x28, 0(x27)
li x28, 5
bne x28, x24, not5
li x28, 0
sw x28, 0(x27)
#B=1 from 110 (7th cicle) until the end
li x28, 7
bne x28, x24, not7
li x28, 1
sw x28, 0(x27)
addi x24, x24, 1
jal x0, rede_neuronal_xor
lw x3, a
lw x4, b
li x14, 2
li x15, -2
li x16, -1
jal neuronio
mv x20, x19
li x14, -2
li x15, 2
li x16, -1
jal neuronio
li x14, 2
li x15, 2
li x16, -1
mv x3, x20
mv x4, x19
jal neuronio #a xor b
mv x23, x19
li x14, 2
li x15, 2
li x16, -1
lw x3, a
lw x4, c
jal neuronio #a or c
li x14, 1
li x15, 1
li x16, -2
mv x3, x23
mv x4, x19
jal neuronio # (a xor b) and (a or c)
jal x0, end
mv x22, x1 #save intial ra
addi sp, sp, -8
sw x3, 4(sp)
sw x14, 0(sp)
jal multiplica
lw x18, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, 4
addi sp, sp, -8
sw x4, 4(sp)
sw x15, 0(sp)
jal multiplica
lw x19, 0(sp)
addi sp, sp, 4
mv x12, x16
add x19, x19, x18
add x19, x19, x16
mv x1, x22 #reload inital ra
blt x19, zero, null
li x19, 1
jalr x0, x1, 0
li x19, 0
jalr x0, x1, 0
li x12, 0
li x13, 0
lw x11, 0(sp)
lw x10, 4(sp)
addi sp sp 8
blt x11, zero, negative
add x13, x13, x10
addi x12, x12, 1
blt x12, x11, while
addi sp, sp, -4
sw x13, 0(sp)
jalr x0, x1, 0
sub x13, x13, x10
addi x12, x12, -1
bge x12, x11, negative
addi sp, sp, -4
sw x13, 0(sp)
jalr x0, x1, 0
mv x10, x19
li x17, 1
blt x24, x25, cicle #while x24 < 9 restart
li x17, 10